Physical biochemistry

As an extension and consolidation of the preceding biochemistry courses, a 4 SWS lecture "Physical Biochemistry" follows in the 4th semester of the bachelor program "Biotechnology", which is rounded off by a 4 SWS practical course in the 5th SWS. In addition to the thermodynamics and kinetics of biologically relevant systems, a special focus of Physical Biochemistry is on the molecular recognition of proteins and ligands, which can be substrates or inhibitors/activators, for example.
Teaching materials can be found on the university's Moodle platform:
Statistical experimental design (Design of Experiments)

The practical course "Statistical Design of Experiments" is offered for the master program "Chemical and Biotechnology". Students learn a general statistical method to optimize a given chemical or biological system with respect to desired properties (often costs). The practical course combines the planning of experiments and evaluation of data on the computer with the experimental execution of the experiments.
Teaching materials and information about organization can be found on the university's Moodle platform:
Recommended reading: Otto, Matthias, Chemometrics, VCH, Hemsbach.
The lecture Bioinformatics is offered in the 5th semester of the bachelor's program "Biotechnology" and methodically rounds off the profile of our students. Students learn methods and programs for processing large sequence and structural information about biologically relevant macromolecules. In addition to the lecture, exercises on the computer take place in smaller learning groups.
Teaching materials for lecture and exercises can be found on the university's Moodle platform: